Sweden-Korea exchange exhibition 2016

<Korean traditional BOJAGI & 18 century Swedish HALLANDSSÖM>    

The artist : BOJAGI (Choi Eun Kyeong), HALLANDSSÖM (Mira Lindh)

Term : 15 – 22 october 2016 (09 : 00 – 17 : 00)

* (special painting for space deco) : Ink wash painting by fine artist Mongwoo Joseph Kim

Place : Seoul Bukchon Hanok Village

* Thanks for Bukchon Traditional Culture Center by Bukchon day

The planner : Angsi Kwak 

Sponser : Seoul Metropolitan Government

* News : 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJiPsO4iCAo

News 2 :


February 11, 2013 at 3:37 pm
Category: Creative, exhibition