Korea-Sweden Exchange Exhibition 2017

<18-19th century Swedish wallpaper & Joseon Dynasty-period of Korea’s school book with 4 artists for Tree>    

Fernando Caceres Jara (watercolor) / WooBock Lee (paper art) / Sonja Strömkvist (botanical art) / Mongwoo Joseph Kim (oil painting & black-and-white drawing)


Term : 3 – 5 october 2017 (11 : 00 – 18 : 00)

Place : Art center GOMA, Gongju city of South-Korea, UNESCO World Heritage city


Planner : Angsi Kwak
Sponser : Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

News1. our artist ‘Mongwoo Joseph Kim’ by Government Broadcasting (KTV)


February 11, 2013 at 5:15 pm
Category: exhibition